Monday, September 27, 2010

It's Getting Hot In Here - Thank God for My Dorm Fridge!

It's not even noon and it's already nearly 100 degrees. That's outside. Forget the temperature in my room which is near boiling.

I'm so happy that my Dad convinced me to get this particular refrigerator. After much comparision shopping, we settled on the this Emerson fridge with the freezer compartment. Can't wait to give you the "full dorm tour," but for now, take my word for it, there's nothing better for keeping your Coke Zero cold!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Zero Calorie Butter (Honestly!)

I'm anxiously checking my mailbox for the new Body Butters by Pacifica. And these are tubes - not those jars or tubs.

Stay Tuned for my YouTube review. . .coming soon!

Pacifica Body Butter Tubes come in the following scents:

Hawaiian Ruby Guava, Tuscan Blood Orange, Malibu Lemon Blossom, Lotus Garden, Brazilian Mango Grapefruit, Tahitian Gardenia

$18.00 for each tube.

Order online at:

You can also find them at Sephora stores.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Back to School with Juice Beauty (TM)

It's kind of hard to switch from summer mode to back to the books mode. One thing that's at the top of my list of must-have school supplies is this Juice Beauty Blemish Clearing Serum (TM).

I swear this is like having a "genie in a bottle." I'm so prone to breakout and have tried everything you can imagine over the years. This is the first thing that has actually worked. It's a major confidence booster and with starting a new school and meeting new people, I need all the confidence I can get!

This organic solution is seriously off the charts.

Friday, September 17, 2010

What The Best Dressed Nails Will Be Wearing This Fall!

Essie has a whole array of new fall colors that are SO hot. . .like this "Little Brown Dress"