Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Got Makeup Wipes?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. College life is stressful. Living in a small space (luckily we have a sink) but sharing a bathroom with a ton of other people, schlepping down the hall with a literal bucket of soap and towels and deodorant and my whole morning regimen is really getting old. But, as you know, this is only my first year so I've got a ways to go!

Plus that's just the "not so fun" part - I must admit, everything else is pretty cool.

Anyway, right now I'm struggling with trying to find a good makeup remover towelette. They are just so much more convenient for dorm life. I had been using the Target brand with great success but recently ran out. My mom mailed me some "Yes to Cucumbers" wipes that worked well (meaning it took the makeup off completely) but they burned my skin. As you know, I struggle with breakouts from time time and so depending on the "time" some wipes work on certain days and not on others.

Target wipes are only sold in the stores and I don't have a car at school so I can't order online. Somebody told me that the Pond's wipes work well (and for all I know they might be the same as the Target wipes). I've tried Almay, Neutrogena, you name it.

Any suggestions?

p.s. Drugstore.com is da bomb!!

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